
I like to read, create, & learn new things; this is my space to share it all.

Title Art

Petit Fourier from Patterns of the Universe. Petite Fourier is an intricate pattern created by applying a fourier transform to a ring of circles; the masterhead logo is an uncropped version of the same picture. Creating with color and pattern is one way I like to relax. All title art on this site is a result of many hours spent with my colored pencils and an inspiring design. Colors by me.

A Little More About Me

As a signal processing engineer at a small company, I spend a lot of time working with data and transforming it into something useful. With a team, I build systems to collect, process, and analyze data. I’ve had the privilege of working the entire algorithm development cycle including prototyping, production code, defining metrics and sharing results. Simply put, I’m a problem solver.

Curious about what it means to be a signal processing engineer? Check out what IEEE has to say or read this blog post written by a fellow ‘signal processor’.

I also bake (my specialty is banana bread), play board games (Scrabble & Carcassonne are favorites), and enjoy sports.