data & machine learning

Things I’ve had fun learning and exploring.

Title Art

Ulam Spiral from Patterns of the Universe. Starting with 1 in the center, each square in a 20x20 grid is numbered in a counter-clockwise spiral. I chose to color all primes red, then even numbers true blue, ones divisible by 3 avocado green, and so on. Colors by me.

Big Data

Store ALL the Data
I had a great time designing and building a Distributed File System (DFS) with a team and wanted to share some of the things I learned.
Split it. Map it. Send it. Count it!
With a team, I explored concurrency and synchonization by creating a MapReduce application. It’s a simple use case - count the number of occurrences of unique words - but requires muilti-threading, locks, and a barrier to get it right.
‘Bloom’ing Efficient Filter
What if we want to count a small subset of words instead of all words? What if our small subset is still a lot of words? Bloom filters are commonly used for quick filtering with a reduced memory footprint.


Tools for Adding Content
Everything I found helpful in building and adding to this site.